#inktober – Hajer Mansoor

Line drawing of a woman in a hijab: she is looking at the viewer. The text reads: Hajer Mansoor is the mother-in-law of activist in exile Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, who is director of advocacy for the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy. She is imprisoned in Bahrain on trumped up charges, and is suffering reprisals for Sayed's speaking out against the Bahraini regime's human rights abuses.

Hajer Mansoor is the mother-in-law of activist in exile Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, who is director of advocacy for the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy. She is imprisoned in Bahrain on trumped up charges, and is suffering reprisals for Sayed’s speaking out against the Bahraini regime’s human rights abuses.

More information about Haker and Sayed’s whole family here: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/profile/sayed-ahmed-al-wadaei

#inktober – Kamal Qishrah al Shawish

Line drawing of a man with a beard and short hair: he holds one hand up to his face. The text reads:Kamal Qishrah al Shawish works for Mwatana for Human rights. an independent organisation monitoring human rights violations in Yemen. He lives in Houthi-controlled Hudaydah. He was abducted in August and released in September 2018.

Kamal Qishrah al Shawish works for Mwatana for Human Rights, an independent organisation monitoring human rights violations in Yemen. He lives in Houthi-controlled Hudaydah. He was abducted in August and released in September 2018.

More info on his case here: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/profile/kamal-qishrah

#Inktober – Free the 3

Ink outline on yellow background - a Lancashire rose in red and green, with three figures in front. All three have beards and are wearing suits. The text reads, Frack Free - #FreeThe3

Continuing the thread of protesters, human rights defenders and environmental protectors who have been violently cracked down on by the state, these are the three members of the Frack Free Four who went to prison for ‘lorry surfing’ in September 2018.

Sign the petition against disproportionate sentencing for environmental protesters here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/hold-an-inquiry-into-the-declining-space-for-civil-society-to-oppose-the-uk-fracking-industry-1

Find out more information here: http://frackfreefoursupporters.org/

#Inktober – End Deportations

Illustration - 15 black line outlines of people on a hot pink background. Text reads, "End deportations, drop the charges #Stansted15"

Some of my friends helped to stop a deportation flight last year. At least 11 of the people due to be deported that day are still in the UK, able to fight their cases. They saved lives that day.

They are now on trial for terror-related charges and face up to life in prison. This is a disgusting crack down by the state on nonviolent direct action challenging the hostile environment.

Love and solidarity to them all.

Drop the charges. No human is illegal. End Deportations.

How the Rhino got such wrinkly skin



There’s a ‘Just So Story’ about how the rhino got such folded, wrinkly skin.

Rhino is a grumpy creature with tight grey skin who steals a man’s cake and eats it all. One day, rhino goes for a swim in the sea. Rhino’s skin is left folded on the shore. The man, in revenge for the cake theft, rubs crumbs into rhino’s skin: all over.

Rhino gets out, slips the skin back on, and feels an itch. It’s unbearable. Rhino runs to a nearby tree. The bark rubs up and down on rhino’s skin making it rumple and fold up.

This is how rhinos got folded, wrinkly skin (and why they are always in a bad mood).

Why am I telling you this story? Because this is what pronouns feel like to me. Society keeps rubbing them in: all over.

But why should I get my gender all rucked up round my shoulders? Maybe it could give me thicker skin eventually, but really I’d rather just stay out in the sea.


History of the Establishment of the London Metropolitan Police

A group of teenagers were exploring “Why do the police treat us differently?”, and someone pointed out that there haven’t always been police. This prompted me to investigate the establishment of the London Metropolitan police, which led me to this comic:

Continue reading History of the Establishment of the London Metropolitan Police